

est. 2005

During all the sickness, carpet cleaning drama, and regular daily stress, I took a much needed crafting break.  I just needed some sort of mental release from it all. I had a 12x12 canvas that I had picked up from Big Lots for $5. I originally got it to try out an idea that I've been storing away in my head. I found an old book at the thrift store called "A Book of Hugs" that has really great black and white drawings of various hugs. I wanted to mount them onto a cute scrapbook paper and then onto the canvases to hang in the girls' room.

Well I soon found out that the canvas wasn't exactly 12x12 and slightly lopsided.  So I went in an entirely different direction and made this sign instead.

I simply cut the paper down to a smaller size and painted the border and edges of the canvas.  I didn't mind the brush strokes or that a bit of the white was showing through.  It looks a bit exaggerated here because of the light coming in from behind it. I used various white scrapbook stickers that I've had laying around.  I brushed the whole thing with a layer of Mod Podge, and voila! 

This was really easy and worked on taking my mind off of things even if it was only for a short time.  This whole project only took about half an hour. 

$5 Big Lots 12x12 canvas
1 sheet of Amy Butler paper from a pack
Various scrapbook stickers
Some craft paint
A bit of Mod Podge


  1. I really like that! I might have to give it a try myself! I always have loved that shade of yellow.

    The pears in the background are gorgeous!

  2. It really is easy PaintLover. You can make it as elaborate or simple as you like.

    Thanks :-) I love my pears too. I had a little heavy metal one that my daughter broke the stem off of. One day I'll glue it back on.


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