


My ever so dearest Jenin,

Today you turn four. Four years of motherhood, laughter, frustration, amazement, and love.  You've showed me the wonders of a child's imagination and the limitlessness of a mother's love. I adore you and admire the vibrancy you bring to this home.  You keep us on our toes with your quick wit, incredible memory, and unharnessed energy. 

I love you more than you will ever know.  Ikteer, ikteer, ikteer,IKTEER, iKtEeR, ikteer! (We usually compete over who can say ikteer, "a lot" in Arabic, the most and in the most ways.) I pray that your spunk and personality never fades.  That little temper of yours is more than welcome to take a leave of vacation though.  May God keep you safe and healthy for all of your years. 

Happy birthday my sweet J.

Forgive the horrendous picture quality. The images were taken at night with horrible lighting. 


  1. Happy Birthday To Jenin! May she always bring you joy. Looks like a great spread :)

  2. Happy birthday!! look at that great table spread! love all the fun colors, and of course she looks adorable!

  3. Happy birthday to little Jenin, mashAllah!

  4. Happy birthday to your little one! My son turned 4 at the end of october too. I must have kissed him a thousand times that day, I couldn't believe he is getting so big. There is definitely something magical about this age though.


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