


Colours of My Life  Photo Challenge Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you.


I know, I know, I've mentioned her before, but hear me out...

source  (my photo submission for the challenge)
 She had the courage to approach my {old school} Palestinian father about marrying a Pakistani man. A first in our {entire} family.  They've been {happily} married for 12 years.

When she was pregnant with her second child, she had severe complications that left her on bed rest in the hospital for over 3 months.  Not once did her faith falter, it only grew stronger.  After her miracle baby, Serene, was born, she truly realized the power of prayer.

She supported her husband's dream of learning to fly and attain his pilot's license, post 9/11.  You can watch the whole journey on their documentary.  Yes, their own documentary.  Inspired yet?


She will be starring in her own documentary soon as well.  Find out more here.

She has great style.

She has a great sense of humor.

In her laundry room and bathroom combo.

She incorporates our religion into her children's lives in fun and accessible ways. 

In her children's bathroom. What's Next? cards available here.

She had her own little feature running with NieNie.  Yes, that NieNie.  Is there another?

She's also an amazing hostess.


Seriously, she's awesome. 

This was posted on 1/31/11 but I've published it to appear on the 30th so that each day has a picutre for the challenge.


  1. Stop it! {{blushing}}

    p.s. It's 13 years, 14 this June :)

  2. Amazing! She's a wonder woman mashaAllah. I'm so inspired now. I guess awesomeness runs in the family huh? ;)

  3. she sounds amazing--what a great friend:)

  4. wow, Masha'allah, talk about inspiration!

  5. Asalaamu Alaikum

    Beautiful post! I love that tablecloth! Her shirts are beautiful too. Was your mother a great hostess/baker/cook? That's what I admire about raised muslims; their hospitality. Our house rarely had guests growing up.

  6. The best post that has ever been posted ever in history! lol, Amnah knows I'm teasing. Iman is so modest about her accomplishments, and she truly is an inpsiration. She touches the lives of everyone she meets. Great post Amnah!

  7. what an awesome sister! Mashallah Allah yekhaleeko la ba3d ya rab

  8. @Iman, Oops sorry, I'll correct that.

    @Sha, She is pretty awesome.

    @Sharstin, It's my sister!

    @HijabMommy, Yes, Mashallah, she truly is.

    @C, My mother entertains frequently so we picked up that love of feeding people from her. You can make up for lost time now :-)

    @Zayna, I knew you'd enjoy this post.

    @EmMalik, Thank you habibti.


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