


Colours of My Life  Photo Challenge Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity.


Sometimes I secretly wish I knew what other people really thought about me, but I immediately distinguish that idea because I realize I'd rather not know. 

End post.


  1. Yeah you don't want to know ;o

    Just kidding.

    They wish they were super cool just like you.

  2. I think ur one awesome hot mama! Ur very sweet and an inspiration with all the hard work u put in ur blog and family!! Wish I could meet u one day, but sadly I have no plans of visiting California in the near future.

  3. What do you think about you? What does your husband think about you? What do your kids think about you? I know that you know the answer to each of those, and they are the answers that matter.

    Everyone else doesn't matter!

  4. @Iman, Thanks, I think.

    @EmMalik, Awww, thank you. Who wouldn't want to come to San Francisco?! You must visit. Our kids would totally get along.

    @Houda, Very true. Thank you for putting everything in perspective.


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