


Colours of My Life  Photo Challenge Day 30 - A picture of someone you miss.

My sister-in-law, Walaa.

The first time I met her was when she came for my wedding in 2005.  She was still in high school and looking back both of us agree that she was quite immature.  Neither one of us liked the other much, though at the time we acted like we did.  It wasn't until I started visiting Palestine and staying with Rami's family that her and I became very close.  She is the only girl in a family of six boys.  I quickly became more of a sister than just her brother's wife. 

While in Jenin, we would sleep in late and dawdle over our breakfast, much to my mother-in-law's annoyance.  Then we would head into town to the souk, markets, to shop for random things.  Mini color pencils that I knew would be great for Jenin's first birthday.  Hijabs, head scarves, in all sorts of colors.  Children's Arabic picture books to improve my vocabulary.  We would finish off our trip with a "cocktail" as they call them, which is actually just a fruit smoothie. 

At home we'd feast with the family over a filling lunch, which is actually their dinner time.  At the sink, we would take turns of washing and rinsing the dishes.  Then a kettle of water would be brought to boil for mint tea.  We drink it out on the balcony while taking in the view of the city and the mountains.  

After Maghrib prayer, just after sunset, we would head out for our nightly walks. Just me and her.  She tells me things she would have told her older sister if she had one.  We laugh about not liking each other at first. She helps me with my Arabic. We hardly ever walk in silence. Once we reach the end of the road which for us is the beginning of the souk, we order our nightly falafel sandwich to enjoy on the way back home. 

Last year in May when the whole family came for my brother-in-law's wedding, her and I got even closer.   This time she was on my turf and I got to take her to all the places I've always told her about.  That included my favorite "cocktails", Jamba Juice.

I can't wait to see her again. 

p.s. Her nickname is "Ounie" though I'm not quite sure why. 


  1. This made me smile, although hubby had no sisters!

    I'm glad you added me on facebook :-)

  2. What a beautiful sister you are -- and have. To truly find family in in-laws is a blessing of the first order. Congratulations.

  3. @Houda, I hesitated at first! Glad you accepted :-)

    @Angelle, Thank you. I truly do consider my in-laws as my second family. I've been blessed.

  4. she sounds fabulous! isn't family the best?


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