

Big Girl Bed

Guess who's ready to move on?

Daytime naps have become nonexistent around here since my little monster picked up this new trick.  Don't even get me started on bedtime. 

I'm going to miss my little baby girl that used to sleep safely in her crib instead of scaling the railing like a pro mountaineer.

  Submitted to the "Anything but face" i heart faces photography challenge.


  1. awww..thats when your know theyre not ur little babies anymore:.. how cute:)

  2. Aw, that's definitely a milestone though. And think of the cute bedding you can shop for!

  3. Love this...babyhood goes by so quickly, hopefully her time as a little girl will be full of magical memories too !

  4. what a cute and vibrant photo Amnah! love the colours of ur daughter's skirt, leggings, patterns on the quilt, and colours of those lamps! :)

  5. CONGRATULATIONS to you Amnah! Everything about this picture is perfection. I could tell the story without even reading. I think those are the best pictures. I can't wait to see more of your work. So thrilled that you were a winner this week. That is just wonderful!

  6. Congratulations on your win! Really fantastic image! Lovely blog as well!:0)

  7. Your photo made me laugh out loud. As a mother of three young children, I can relate. Oddly enough, my older two sometimes are trying to climb *in* to join their younger brother.

    Congratulations to you!

  8. just wanted to say that ur pic is probably my fav. congrats on ur win. from the 5th place winner to the 3rd - ur shot is really really awesome! ;) <3

  9. Thank you ladies for each of your comments! I'm so excited about placing in the top 10. Exciting stuff! Every single comment means a lot to me. <3

  10. I just knew your photo would be picked...congrats and keep on taking wonderful pictures !

  11. salama sister, lovely picture, mashaallah

  12. MashaAllah, your photography skills are so incredible!

    Mubarak for winning! You captured such a fun, festive, exciting, and I'm sure exhausting moment for all of us to share in the memory, so Jazaka Allahu Khayrun!

  13. P.S. I just had to share it with my readers. Check it out here:

    Jummah Mubarak!


Let's be honest, one of the rewards of blogging are the comments. So show me some love! (And I stress love .) M'kay, thanks!