


Going through my drafts in my blog posts I found this post that was never published!! It was written November 30th, 2010. 

The girls have enough dolls. Enough dresses, headbands, shoes. Enough puzzles, crayons, patterned tights.

I think about my girls and about giving them more than I had as a child. I was surely not deprived but certainly always yearned for a little more. What kid doesn't?  As I look around the house, I realize that my girls have plenty. I constantly go through Jenin's books, clothes, and toys with her help to donate to children that don't have as much as she does.  I want her to appreciate what she has and be compassionate enough to give to others so that they experience the same childhood joys of having special belongings. 

I have enough fabric. Enough scarves, cookbooks, craft supplies.  Enough kitchen appliances, enough shoes, enough pasta, enough albums.  I always come across an item on clearance that I just "have to have" when in reality I could live without it and did up until the point I saw it.  I'm not entirely to blame. It's genetic.  But I've realized at this young age that I can break that habit now. With a bit of willpower and a boycott of Target. Okay maybe not a flat out boycott, but a break.

For the next three months I will no longer try my absolute hardest not to buy anything we don't need.  Alhamdulilah, all praises due to God, we have everything we could ever want anyways.  I want to focus on our actual lives and not on de-cluttering or picking up their toys.  I'm sick of stressing over the pile of laundry that I haven't folded because there isn't even any room in the girls' drawers to put them away.  If I have to clean/organize/purge my garage one more time, I will seriously just load everything into a cargo van and haul it all away leaving only my washer and dryer.  I just can't take it anymore.

If I find myself putting something unecessary into my cart, I will take it out and write down the name of the item in a notebook.  It will be very interesting to see the list (hope it's a short one) of items that I would have bought that I didn't actually need.  Might also be interesting to record the price and to add up how much I would have potentially spent on crap stuff.

Wish me luck.


  1. Hehe just what I needed to read! Right in the middle of a huge decluttering fest...good luck with yours ;-)

  2. this is a great idea~i need to do this:) hope your weekend has been great!

  3. yup, sounds like me .. new motto "just because its on sale doesn't mean ur saving money..cuz ur wasting more valuable time and energy picking it up a gazillion times a day and putting it away.. "

  4. I wonder, is clutte an American phenomenom? Because whenver I visit Palestine, I never find anyone with this issue.


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