

Life, Resumed

Maysoon and I are back in good health, Alhamdulilah (all praise due to God). Her doctor suspected it was bronchitis but I don't think it was quite that. I have been decluttering the house to the point of knocking my immune system out of whack. So her and I have been resting up and are ready to get back to our regularly scheduled programming: Maysoon making the mess and me cleaning it right up.

I'll be back soon with some good posts including a Bake Along. Remember those?

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  1. Your blog is interesting, has left a great impression.
    Best wishes

  2. Glad to know you're back to normal alhamdulillah Sister Amnah!

  3. what a cute picture. the little one isn't phased by the mess as she reads looking very lady like. as a new mom i admire you very much in the way you take care of your family and home

  4. i am so glad to hear you are all on the up and up! lve the pict too:)

  5. Glad to know ur back to normal!! Alhamdulilah! But seriously I think u passed the sickness on to me.. If u lived closer, I'd blame u for it hehe

  6. Welcome back! Can't wait to see what you have in store for us!


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