


Today, my sweet precious monster of a daughter, you turn two.  

You love to "read".  (You're currently sitting in my lap singing as you flip through a board book about monsters, of course.)

We love that you babble on in the very distinctive Despicable Me minion gibberish. 

You adore your big sister but sometimes you annoy her to no end. (It's not easy being a little sister.)

We are absolutely enamoured by you and love all the added energy (as if we needed more) that you've brought to the house. 

You love strawberries and saying the word "ugly".  (Your father taught you that one.) You love skirts and swinging at the park.  You love "Kowco" (popcorn) and your grandfather's hat. 

Maysoon, are such a unique little girl that we know will grow up to be a strong woman that will pave her own paths.  You already have a great sense of humor that makes us laugh and see you as a future class clown. 

I pray that you have the strength to follow your dreams and shine like the beautiful ray of light that you are.   I love you, Maysoona!!


  1. Aww, Masha'allah, what a sweet post. You can see the mischievousness in her eyes!

    Amnah, I was looking through your archives at your older birthday posts, and girl. you are amazing. Total super mom! How you plan and bake all those goodies AND decorate is beyond me!

    Anyway, here's hoping you have many, many, MANY more wonderful years with your little ones.

    May Allah bless and protect your family. =)

  2. Aww!!! mA, she's adorable! She seems like an awesome kid!

  3. Stopping by to say hi! What an adorable little one mashallah!! Hope all is well for you today!

  4. Masha'allah, what a sweet little girl you have and what a lovely birthday post. I'm new to your blog, and I'm really enjoying looking through your old posts. Keep up the good work! :)

  5. Awww...what a cutie! She has such big, gorgeous eyes!

  6. Mashallah! mashallah! and Mashallah till infinity!!!! wow, what a gorgeous little girl you have.. Happy birtday to her.. mashallah. Allah grant her many more ameen

    Come by and visit my blog.. I have a 3 yr old... :) You'll see his picture, too. loving your blog! happy I found it.. following YOU. <3

  7. Aww, masha allah, she's gorgeous. What was she doing when you took the picture, she looks so excited! lol.

    i thought jenin would be a class clown hahaha guess i was wrong.

    i love love love ur blog, it's so entertaining.


  8. Thank you ladies for all of your sweet and kind words!


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