

Class Pics and Good News

J's school pictures arrived last week and I had to hold myself back from crying. Her first few years have gone by in a blur. As I held her cap and gown picture I could only see my senior ready to graduate from high school. Are cap and gown truly required for preschool? Why must they tug at our heart strings? My first born is growing up and becoming a little lady with a whole lotta sass. When will our babies be born with a pause button?

Yesterday I received the great news that she was accepted into the school I had been dreaming about since she was crawling. I am so thrilled! Alhamdulilah, all praise due to God. My baby is longer a baby as she heads off to Kindergarten this fall. Full time schedule, backpack, recess, lunch box. Oh, it's so much to take in. So now I will slow down and watch her officially grow out of her stay-at-home-with-Mama stage into her have-a-good-day-at-school-make-sure-you-listen-to-your-teacher stage.

Maybe the pause button can replace their belly buttons?

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  1. Mashallah so cute! They do grow so fast :(

  2. awwww mashaAllah! :) And yes subhanallah how the days pass quickly! One day they were toddlers taking their first step then suddenly they're off to explore the world! <3

    Kinda reminds me about something I wrote quite a while back about life subhanallah...

    may Allah swt keep her safe for you and may you get to enjoy each moment with her as she takes on the world! :) <3

  3. Aww!!! mA, she is too cute! :)

  4. MashaAllah, such great pictures! Congratulations! :)

  5. Oh how sweet! Seriously, where is that pause button??

  6. Awwwwwwwww mashallah she is soooo cute mashallah! Mabrook on getting in the school! I can't see my Sara taking pics like these until she graduates high school lool. Her tears would be soaking her little red eyes..

    She's a little mini model!


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