

Sugar High

Once upon a time, in a land far, 45 minutes far away, came to visit the ever-so-talented Bakerella

From the moment I found out she was coming out with a book, I kept hoping that she would stop in the Bay Area for her book tour.  I {heart}  celebloggers blogebrties  blogger celebrities, so I knew I had to meet her.  I've been reading her blog since late 2007 (before Martha!) and have made her cake pops before.  She's the whole reason I have ever bought lollipop sticks and colored melting chocolates, which I now hoard.  

I knew I wanted to give something back to the creative genius that brought us cupcakes on a stick. 

Rolled fabric flower magnets.  On a stick.

This was a special occasion. So special I washed the car.  After all I needed a fresh clean canvas.

I had it all planned out.  I would get there early and park right up in the front so that when Miss Bakerella walked up to the store she would see my rear window and be like " 'Bakerella or BUST' Oh. My. Goodness. That's so cute and clever! I have to meet the gal that did this!"  And just like that we'd become BFFs (Baking Friends Forever). 

Instead I got there 30 minutes late only to find out that it was downtown without any parking in front of the store. I ended up parking three blocks away on the third level of a parking garage. FAIL. 

The line had already wrapped all the way around the corner by the time I had purchased my book and got in line.  No worries, there were so many great ladies in line to chat with.  (Hi Yvette!)

There was going to be a 15 minute Q and A that I couldn't wait to hear.  We were told the first 90 would be allowed in which was great news because my number was well within that.  As the crowd moved inside, I quickly approached the front door smiling like a lunatic. That's when a store employee stopped the crowd at me.  Store capacity? 58. My number? 59.

I stood at the door and tried to get some pictures and hear but was unsuccessful in both departments.  I decided to go ahead and ask one of the employees a few minutes later if I was allowed in.  Unfortunately she said no.  Less than 2 minutes later, my Q&Angel appeared.  One of the ladies that was standing in line ahead of me came to the door, took my hand and said "come with me."  As I passed by the employee that had just turned me down, I smiled giddily and just motioned back and forth between me and the lady, "I'm with her!"

I went from here:

To here:

Yes, I was that close.  (Thank you Patty!!!!)

And still, for the life of me, I couldn't get a clear and crisp shot. Ugh!

 Let's just take a moment to admire how adorable and dedicated Julie is.  True friends stand on store displays and take great pictures of you fulfilling your dreams. And they do it while wearing beautiful shoes.

My turn was fast approaching and I was ridiculously nervous.  The magnets kept slipping off of the sticks. They also were reacting to each other and  kept twisting and turning.  I tried repositioning the sticks to make them stay in one place to no avail.  It doesn't help that I was messing with them the entire time I was in line, making hundreds of holes in the styrofoam.  I had no idea if they would even make it in one piece.   I toyed with the thought of just taking them off of the stick, but HELLO! (yes, I'm shouting) the sticks are what make them.

 I'll just casually and calmly explain it all to her.


Angie (She does have a real name): "What are these?"


I kid you not, dear readers, I was yelling.  I was yelling at Bakerella.  But I wasn't really yelling, I was talking. I talk very loudly when excited. Let me just tell you, I was excited. My heart was beating so hard it could have knocked off all of that pretty china off of the shelves.  So excited that I forgot to introduce myself and say "hi".  So excited that I think I only made eye contact once.


Me: (still yelling and now wildly waving my hands over the flowers) "BUT WHATEVER!!! YOU! YOU ARE SO COOL! (Something random mumbling that I don't even remember what I said.) I HAVE BEEN FOLLOWING YOUR BLOG FOREVER. (laughing nervously) MY SISTER SENT ME YOUR LINK AFTER MY DAUGHTER'S BIRTHDAY (Jenin's) AND I TOLD HER 'UGH!!! WHY DIDN'T YOU SEND ME THIS SOONER!'" 


When I finally finish yelling talking I realize that the entire store is silent and has heard everything I said.  

 Had I been of sane mind and with a normal tone of voice, I would have said:

" Hi Angie! It is so great to be able to meet you. Congratulations on your book! That's really awesome. I'm glad I've been reading your blog since the beginning and have been able to see your creativity and success grow and grow. You really deserve this.  I've tried making cake pops before and I admire all the skill that you have to be able to put out such excellent results.  I made you these flower magnets just as a little token of appreciation for the time and effort you put into sharing with your blog readers all of your adorable pops and tasty desserts. By the way, love your sweater. So cute! Thank you for signing my book. I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend in the Bay Area. Bye!"

But no.  I'll forever be remembered as the one that yelled at Bakerella. So much for a first impression.


  1. L.O.L. too funny!
    I'm sure she loved you and the flower magnets.
    Remember this is the same lady that made mini cookbook replicas for the Pioneer Woman!!

  2. haha!! Yeah, you were crazy fixing those magnets while we were in line :) Thanks again for letting me cut in front of you ;) It was great meeting you and thanks for sending me the pic!! I sure wish I could have stayed longer to hear you yell at her ;)

  3. You were a doll. So much fun and definitely not loud like you thought. So wish I could have seen your car. But the pic was just as good - gave me the biggest smile. Thanks for coming and I hope you enjoy the book.

  4. i love it!! this post is so fabulous-- you are hilarious! and hello! what an adventure! i too am a huge bakerella fan~ those flower magnets are great girly!

  5. Asalaamu Alaikum

    I love your blog, masha Allah. I am Handmade Beginnings mother. You can visit my blog at

    Handmade Beginnings is my second child out of 10 and the only child I have that has a child :)

    So sad that she is shutting down her blog eh?

  6. Haha this is so cute! Lucky you, she is so talented!

  7. this is so cool!
    I love the way you describe situations and I love your blog!
    very talented!

  8. Salam & hi Amnah! I had fun reading your blog, you're very talented! So glad we found each other, I'll definitely visit often to read. Hugs from Malaysia! :)

  9. That was hilarious! The important thing is that you fulfilled your dream right? I love the magnet flower sticks :)

  10. I was laughing the whole way through this post!! Why does everything always go wrong with you? Number 59!?! lool. I'm glad you were able to meet her though, and that's so cool that she commented above! At least she got to READ what you wanted to say!

  11. Heeheehahaha! I totally get this. I stood in line to have Nigella Lawson sign a cookbook and just wordvomited a bunch of unintelligible compliments at her. She was so nice and just said "what a lovely thing to say" while I shuffled off to smack my head in the parking lot!

    Those magnets look awesome. What a thoughtful thing to do. Very sweet.
    (Thanks for stopping by my blog and being so nice!)

  12. I'm glad I'm not the only one on the planet that gets overly animated and unintelligible in situations like this...too funny! Cute project, though!

  13. AAAAAhhh! You met her! And she even commented on your post =)

    I would've been a bigger spaz than you, trust me.

  14. oh wow how amazing you got to meet her and even made her a gift, I'm sure she will treasure it..
    I'm starting a new series for the Holidays, I hope you stop by, and link at

  15. This story made me lol for real. I love the magnet idea!


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