

Comments and Replies

You're awesome.  Yes, you. And you, you, you, and you.  All of you.  Thank you so much for taking time to read my blog and comment. It makes me feel a little bit awesome. 

Replying to comments is always so tricky for me.  Ideally I like to hit "reply" in my inbox and send you a direct "thank you" but I almost always get as the address.  So then I try to visit your blog (if you have one) to leave you some comment love.   I've added a "reply" button in the comment section but it didn't work as it does in Wordpress, with a reply directly under your comment.  It just leaves another comment all the way at the bottom. Plus it just bumps up my comment count which I'd rather it didn't.  Besides,  I'm not sure if you come back to check the comments to see a response. 

I want you all to know that I read each and every comment and totally get a kick out of them.  What I need to know from you is where is the best place to reply to your comments?  If you ask me a question, should I respond in the comments section?  Do you ever go back to the comments section? 

I have been asked a few questions but haven't always been able to reply and I hate that. I'm trying my hardest to make this blog more interesting and worth your while.  Bear with me as I try to figure out where the best place is to reply.

Stay awesome.


  1. I always get back to follow my comment, but I stop doing it when I notice that the blogger didnt respond to previous comments.

  2. OMG!

    You are far too kind.It means the world to your readers that you care that much <3

  3. Just reply here, on your blog, cos I always come over to be amazed by your awesomeness! ;)

  4. Amnah, I really enjoy your blog and look forward to finding new posts in my reader! If I leave a comment, I typically don't check again to see a response, but it is very considerate of you to think of responding to them.

    I lived in the Bay Area for four years before moving to Houston. Some of the best years of my life!

  5. Sometimes I come back, but if I ask a question I always come back. I think if someone asks a question it is best to just answer in your comments section. Like someone else said, if it is a FAQ maybe just make a post about it.

  6. you are so cute, witty, and fun! lve your blog~

  7. @Hum - Funny that you came back because that was one of the few times I've replied in my posts. Good timing.

    @Moon- I'll be replying in the comment section now, so make sure you come back!

    @Organica - How can I not care? Without my readers and their comments, there really is no blog.

    @Shahirah - Yes, I have started replying here. I've noticed that majority do so I might as well also.

    @Maha - Aww, thanks! Same here, if I'm just leaving a regular comment like "oh cute!" I won't check back. But if I ask a question I check back or at least wait for an e-mail. Yes, I {heart} the Bay and can't imagine leaving.

    @Kate - I will be answering questions in the comments section from now on. I don't think I need a FAQ because I usually don't get asked the same question twice :-P

    @Sharstin - You're killing me. I think you're reading the wrong blog. Thank you!


Let's be honest, one of the rewards of blogging are the comments. So show me some love! (And I stress love .) M'kay, thanks!