


Colours of My Life  Day 2 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest.

My Mama.


I have been with you before I even became me.  You carried me inside of you dreaming of your little one to be.  You felt me roll around and stretch at the walls of your belly.  Once in this world you adored your little baby girl with eyes big and brown.  You never let anything that was in your control harm me.  Over the years you held my hand and guided me through life.  As I grew up, I began to forget how important you are. I was right, you were wrong, or so I thought.  A trying time in my life but you never once turned your back on me. By the grace of God, I resurfaced back to reality and there you were. 

Years later I went on to become a wife and soon a mother.  I felt my first "growing pains" and broke down in tears.  You once felt these pains with me. In the womb. At birth. In the hospital when I was 10 months and you thought you would lose me to a stomach virus.  When I was 3 and smacked you and said "shut up big mouth". {Karma anyone?} The times I refused to listen to you those early mornings while in elementary school.  When I was a teenager and I thought I had this whole world figured out.  When I try to get you to clean out your closet.

But then I remember that you are my mother and I would not be here without you.  That I owe you everything that I do.  That you were there with me from the very beginning.

"A man asked the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him): 'Whom should I honor most?' The Prophet replied: 'Your mother'. 'And who comes next?' asked the man. The Prophet replied: 'Your mother'. 'And who comes next?' asked the man. The Prophet replied: 'Your mother!'. 'And who comes next?' asked the man. The Prophet replied: 'Your father'". (Bukhari and Muslim)



  1. Beautiful write up mashaAllah =)

    Duhhh of course we had the same idea. Great minds think alike (you saw that one coming didn't you?)

  2. That really was beautiful, and you were so cute! Still are.

  3. aww beautiful post Masha'allah!

  4. hey there amnah :) awww.. i love old photos like this... wish i had brought some from malaysia to melbourne!

  5. That was really lovely, I hope Allah blesses you both and maintains this important relationship forever. Allah yekhalelik eyaha ya rab..

  6. what an amazing post and picture~

  7. @Shahirah - I guess everyone in the challenge has a great mind. Nearly all of us chose our moms.

    @Hum - Thank you! No one thinks she looks like me though I totally see it.

    @Mona - Thank you! I think I was cuter then :-P

    @Organica - Thank you!

    @HijabiMommy - Thank you!

    @Kayla - Thank you! Yes, I could look at old photos all day.

    @Em Malik - Shukran habibti. Allah khaleelik louw wlaadik.

    @Sharstin - Thank you!


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