


Colours of My Life Photography Challenge: Day 1 - A picture of yourself with fifteen facts.


... refuse to watch scary movies. Biggest. Chicken. Ever.
... can't eat sweets without drinking a glass of milk.
... wear braces.
... wear contacts. {Blind as a bat, ya'll}
... rarely sleep before 12 am.
... used to think I was actually related to Abraham Lincoln. {Give me a break, I was in second grade.}
... am always cold. Always.

... first car was an 89 VW Jetta that I named "Hummus".
... handwriting looks the same as it did in third grade.
... wedding dress still fits.
... front yard makes me cringe every time I see it but I can't do anything about it because this is a rental.
... car's gas tank is usually empty.
... shoe size is a 10. {I'm such a beast.}
... friend's big brother once told me in fifth grade that my name should be in lights. I still think about that.

Aaaand, just for kicks. 

Just in case you were wondering where Jenin gets it from.


  1. Salaam! :)
    I also avoid any kinds of scary movies! it left bad memory in my mind! :D


  2. Love this post, I am a chicken as well regarding scary movies, I was blind till I did lasik alhamdulilah :) marriage clothes still fit as well :D..
    I love this blog wallah..keep it up sister..:)..and it is great to know more about you..
    You look cute in that pic, with the glasses :)

  3. I love both pics. I almost never sleep before midnight and I wont watch really really scary movies but I'll watch thrillers with someone else but not alone.

  4. Me too, i hate horror films, but if i watch one (with someone of course) all i can think about is how the director and team managed to pull it off and make it look so real. haha and ruin the scary vibe for everyone

  5. i loved this post and reading all these fun things about you girl! great pict too~

  6. I hate horror movies too! We're all a bunch of chickens :D
    LOL@being related to Abraham Lincoln!

  7. @All of you (haha we are all a bunch of chickens) - Scary movies stay in my mind for years! Keeps me looking over my shoulder.

    @Sharstin - Thanks!


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